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Which VPN protocols perform the best?
Winder SDec 21, 2022

Windscribe offers up to 6 connection protocols, depending on your device. All protocols are setup for maximum protection so you will not be compromising your security by choosing whichever protocol you want, or letting the Windscribe app automatically select the protocol for you.

However, which protocol performs best in terms of speed and connection success may depend on your specific set up:

Wireguard: Latest next-generation VPN protocol that offers record breaking speeds. Connects on 6 different ports.

IKEv2: Offers fastest connection times and high speeds on most networks. Can easily be blocked as it only works on Port 500.

OpenVPN (UDP): OpenVPN over UDP protocol. De facto VPN standard for years, usually the fastest OpenVPN protocol but can be blocked. Connects on 6 different ports.

OpenVPN (TCP): OpenVPN over TCP protocol. Helpful on restrictive networks. Connects on 11 different ports.

Stealth: OpenVPN masked to look like HTTPS traffic. Helpful on restrictive networks. Connects on 11 different ports.

WStunnel: OpenVPN masked to look like Websocket traffic. Helpful on restrictive networks.

In order to manually change your protocol and test which protocol works best on your network, go to Preferences > Connection > Connection Mode > Manual. Try each of the protocols and ports to see if any combination helps. You have to reconnect to Windscribe when you change the protocol/port in order to activate it.

Change Protocol

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